This great little one-person dairy unit near Matamata, has opportunity written all over it. Comprising 70 hectares (more or less) in two titles with a mostly flat to very gentle contour and a centrally located dairy shed.
With the Kaimai Ranges as your backdrop and plentiful water out of the ranges, this fertile and easy to manage unit should appeal.
Along with the 16 aside dairy, there are ample support buildings for calf rearing and implement storage.
Production has averaged 63,500kgMS (last three seasons) from 185 cows with some young stock carried.
Water is gravity feed from the Ranges through 50, 32 & 25mm lines to a manacon at the dairy or fed directly to troughs in each paddock. The fencing is mostly 2 and 3 wire electric internally with permanent on the boundaries.
Effluent is held in a concrete sump and pumped either directly to a travelling irrigator or stored in a flexi tank.
Supplements grown on farm include chicory and grass silage with PKE and maize silage purchased.
The dwelling is a tidy three-bedroom home featuring open plan living and dining, two family rooms, with two fires and an adjacent double garage.
With its location, user friendly soil type and gentle contour, the property should really appeal as an easy to operate dairy or a great run-off. Well worth the look.