Bayleys Whakatāne is perfectly located in a high profile location, in downtown Whakatāne. The highly experienced sales team specialises in the sales and marketing of an extensive range of properties in Whakatāne, Ohope and Opotiki, as well as the wider Eastern Bay of Plenty region.
Bayleys Whakatāne covers all areas of real estate including residential, rural, commercial, and industrial sales, leasing, as well as commercial property management. The team at Bayleys Whakatāne believes it’s not just about selling property or marketing, it's the total package that counts. The team is fuelled by an eagerness to achieve the best result for their clients and their property. Combine a great office with good people and it’s a winning approach.
The Whakatāne District is one of New Zealand’s most attractive locations due to the abundance and proximity of the natural environment. Located in one of the sunniest parts of the country, the region boasts beautiful walking tracks, with coastal beaches providing ample opportunity for swimming, surfing, fishing and diving. Whakatāne township, located on the banks of the Whakatāne River is the gateway to the East Coast and to Whakaari/White Island. The township has a thriving retail and commercial centre, conveniently linked to Tauranga by the development of the Eastern Link.