Oapui is 625 hectares situated in the Tarata district operating a diverse and integrated farming enterprise spread over eleven titles. Supplying Fonterra and producing in excess of 200,000 kilograms of milksolids the farm also supports beef cattle, a high performing ewe flock and deer. Infrastructure includes a modern (2008) 50 bail rotary cowshed with in-shed feeding, deer complex, two woolsheds, three well located houses, numerous hayshed's and farm buildings. A number of native stands of mature trees and the predominantly rolling contour provide an attractive backdrop to everyday working on a farm that offers opportunities. Excellent access to the property is provided to the farm with in excess of six kilometres of road frontage and an underpass on the no exit Oapui Road linking the network of laneways. \nOptions are here to continue farming the property as currently or to simplify the operation and reduce the number of stock classes to concentrate on dairy production and support. \n\nProperty Features:\n- 625.4452 hectares\n- Three houses\n- 50 Bail (2008) Rotary Shed\n- Deer Shed, Two Woolsheds\n- Implement Sheds\n\nLocation:\n22 kilometres to Inglewood\n38 kilometres to New Plymouth\n25 kilometres to Waitara\n