Bayleys Real Estate Ltd
Property Services
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Lot 5 Orchard Road, Kerikeri, Far North

13.51 ha Land area SQM

An Investment Opportunity For Successful Leaders

Zespri Red Kiwifruit 2022 market success, combined with rapid development in growing knowledge, and the perfect growing environment are ingredients in this Seeka managed orchard investment. Using a R19 financial model with conservative yield and OGR forecast, and generous opex inputs, suggests positive cashflow by the end of the 2024/25 season, and double digit net investment yield by 2025/26 season. The factors in this are;
- grafting onto superbly healthy and established Bruno root and stump systems. This powerhouse below the graft point is producing canopy at an amazingly rapid rate. As canopy matures and crop load comes into play, the same root system grunt will support fruit size and marketable yield.
- ideal soil type and health, plus well sheltered warm Kerikeri growing environment
- Seeka control and management of the development, ensuring things happen always at the right time and to the best technique.
- an ever developing knowledge of variety growing and storage technique to optimize profitability.
- consumer appeal of both the taste and the appearance of Zespri Red. Strong appeal that translates into demand and price.

The detail;
13.5 total hectare
5 canopy hectare of R19 grafted to established Bruno
0.74 canopy hectare of male pollen production, under cover
3.5 hectare of sheltered and ready to plant bare land
Kerikeri Irrigation Company supply
Seeka management (optional)

With profit potential close to good G3 production, and at a significantly lower entry cost, this is an opportunity well worth investigating.
Information inclusive of production, income and cost modelling is available to parties following completion of a simple preapproval process. Details of which will be emailed upon request.

For Sale by Negotiation
Alan Kerr

Alan Kerr

Horticulture Sales

Mackys Real Estate Ltd, Bayleys,
Licensed under the REA Act 2008



Superb development

Growth opportunity

Attractive investment model


Ideal soil type and health, plus well sheltered warm Kerikeri growing environment

Water supply

Kerikeri Irrigation Company supply