Yes, we are. We are looking for a very specific buyer for this property. You will be aged between 40 and 60.
Your children have grown and flown, or are about to so this purchase is all about you, not them. You are ready to enjoy life and you love to garden. That is what you are looking for now, a garden. While the Aegean cruise or that motorbike tour through France is already booked, your delight is the rhythm of the seasons. Your composted worm-wees produces huge Brussel Sprouts, gorgeous flowers, and fat juicy olives. You mulch. The smell of cut grass does it for you, as does estuary mud between your toes. So please, do not even ask to view this impeccably presented 1950s three + bedroom, two-lounge, two-garage, wood-fired, couples-only classic unless you love to garden.