Robbie has an inspiring charisma that ensures Vendors and Purchasers feel completely at ease when working with him. Robbie's dedicated customer focus, sound knowledge and understanding of the Mangawhai market place allows him to continue to achieve exceptional results for his valued clientele.
Robbie's consistent results are a testament to his integrity and professional skills. He works in partnership with his wife, Dianne Christensen and their combined experience and dedication has led them to sell some of the most prestigious properties in Mangawhai.
Robbie has set outstanding benchmark sales in Mangawhai over the last 20 years in waterfront, lifestyle and residential property.
And in testament to their strong results, they have personally sold 30% of all the waterfront properties in Mangawhai Heads since starting in 2003.
Partnering with Robbie and Dianne to sell your property will guarantee no stone left unturned in ensuring you maximise the return on your real estate asset and you will understand why their testimonials from clients continually refer to their professionalism and great level of communication.
Bayleys 20 Years of Service
Outstanding Client Service
Bayleys Auction Club
Auction Award for Outstanding Results
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