Matt is a prominent Bayleys Central Industrial Team member, working alongside colleagues William Gubb, James Valintine, Jordan Brown and Sunil Bhana. With expertise in the St Johns, Mt Wellington, and Otahuhu industrial areas. Matt was recently awarded Bayleys South Auckland Commerical & Industrial ‘Rookie Of The Year 22/23’.
After working for two years in advertising in multiple client-facing positions, Matt understands the importance of working diligently and efficiently to meet his clients' needs. Matt believes that no stone should be left unturned when it comes to helping match the needs of his clients with prospective tenants and buyers.
Along with Matts recent experience in the advertising industry, Matt also has extensive experience in high-level sport, as a former player in the New Zealand Men's Water Polo. This experience has helped teach Matt the importance of commitment and how hard work pays off.
On a more personal note, Matt enjoys spending time on the golf course or heading down to the Coromandel with friends and family.
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