Strategically located on the intersection of Queens Drive and Bunny Street.
Important as the busiest pedestrian/vehicle intersection in the Hutt, directly opposite the main pedestrian entrance to the Queensgate Shopping Mall, and location of the Hutt Valleys bus transport hub.
The property checks off the fundamentals, being strengthened to in excess of 70%NBS, with good leases to established tenants and personal guarantees plus it has an excellent leasing history.
As tax deductibility comes under attack for residential investments, opportunities of this nature are an obvious alternative but are in short supply. Add the fact that deposit interest rates are at an all time low and this is property not to be overlooked.
To obtain copies of all supplementary documents please register your details at
• Comes with the benefit of full tax deductibility
• Strengthened to in excess of 70% NBS
• Leased to established tenants with personal guarantees
• Current net rental $43,040pa + GST